Stanley's Invest

Investment Club


Stanley Bitter & Aurimar Borges


Visual Identity


July, 2022



Mateus Ritter

Stanley's Invest is an investment club whose resources will be managed and allocated by a Fintech. The brand's purpose is to boost companies in the health and beauty industry while also being a great investment fund with above-average market returns.

The brand enters the market as a strong, bold, elegant, and modern company. To make it more exclusive, a custom typography was developed from scratch. This typography has details that make it strong, modern, and exclusive, and is also a great support for the brand's communication in various layouts.

Shall we write a new story right now?

Shall we write a new story right now?

Shall we write a new story right now?

Do not ask to wait, let's work right now

Do not ask to wait, let's work right now

Do not ask to wait, let's work right now

Studio specialized in Differentiation for business

Palhoça, Santa Catarina - Brazil

© 2024 All rights reserved.

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Studio specialized in Differentiation for business

Palhoça, Santa Catarina - Brazil

© 2024 All rights reserved.

Developed by:

Studio specialized in Differentiation for business

Palhoça, Santa Catarina - Brazil

© 2024 All rights reserved.

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