GMR Energy

Renewable Energy


Milton Zhou


Visual Identity


December, 2022



Mateus Ritter


GMR is a joint venture between the companies Gaw Capital and Maoneng, from Hong Kong and Australia, respectively. GMR operates in the renewable energy sector in Australia, with the purpose of improving the quality of life for future generations through sustainable energy operation.

To bring more credibility, a more modern air, and differentiate from the competition, we brought in blue colors and clean communication. The standardized language was more serious and institutional, considering the total focus on communicating with more governmental sectors of the country such as the state government, federal government, engineering companies, financial consulting firms, among others.

As a result, we had a brand that expresses confidence and uses a language of future vision, bringing a very strong perception of value.

Shall we write a new story right now?

Shall we write a new story right now?

Shall we write a new story right now?

Do not ask to wait, let's work right now

Do not ask to wait, let's work right now

Do not ask to wait, let's work right now

Studio specialized in Differentiation for business

Palhoça, Santa Catarina - Brazil

© 2024 All rights reserved.

Developed by:

Studio specialized in Differentiation for business

Palhoça, Santa Catarina - Brazil

© 2024 All rights reserved.

Developed by:

Studio specialized in Differentiation for business

Palhoça, Santa Catarina - Brazil

© 2024 All rights reserved.

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