
Digital Marketing Consulting


Brenda Aurelio


Brand Strategy, Naming & Visual Identity


April, 2023

Digital Marketing Advisory made for women



Mateus Ritter


Mateus Ritter


Mateus Ritter

Enkor is a digital marketing consultancy focused on entrepreneurial women. The brand was born with the purpose of giving voice to these women, because it believes that they all deserve to communicate. Enkor feels how lost these women are in the digital world and knows how to guide them to their greatest objectives. Enkor speaks from woman to woman, understands their reality and all the difficulties they face, which is why it is more than prepared to help them achieve their results.



Our goal with this project was to direct the brand to have exclusively feminine communication and that its narrative would resonate with this audience. In addition, the brand needed to remove the standard image of a conventional agency, which in turn, exists in a very saturated market and over time, some patterns have been created in the consumer's mind.



The first point we adjusted was the name. The brand was called Legado, a name that did not contribute to its market positioning, did not resonate with the public, and also had no registration possibilities. We created a new name that would convey the brand's message.

After analyzing the competition, we also noticed many patterns related to the way of communicating. We then brought a visual identity that would resonate more with the public and with the name's proposal. And not only for visual identity, but the name also gave us the direction we needed to create the entire brand universe. Enkor now has a completely distinct experience from the competition, with a maritime, exclusive theme and a welcoming language that speaks directly to its audience.



According to the brand, every entrepreneurial woman seeks security and stability. In other words, they need to anchor themselves in something to feel secure. The anchor is what has kept ships safe amid great storms for decades. Anchor is a symbol of stability, security, perseverance, and determination. And it was precisely this that we found to be the greatest value in this brand: To be the anchor for these women, which makes them feel secure and stable amidst this storm that is digital marketing.

Enkor (pronounced "êncor") is a "Brazilianized" way of saying Anchor, which is the English term for anchor.

Shall we write a new story right now?

Shall we write a new story right now?

Shall we write a new story right now?

Do not ask to wait, let's work right now

Do not ask to wait, let's work right now

Do not ask to wait, let's work right now

Studio specialized in Differentiation for business

Palhoça, Santa Catarina - Brazil

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Studio specialized in Differentiation for business

Palhoça, Santa Catarina - Brazil

© 2024 All rights reserved.

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Studio specialized in Differentiation for business

Palhoça, Santa Catarina - Brazil

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