
Executive Projects


Fabio Navarro


Brand Strategy, Naming & Visual Identity


September, 2023

The áccora is a pioneer company in executive projects in Brazil, which emerged from a great market opportunity, where its specialized workforce was needed in the face of a market full of companies ready for consumption.



Mateus Ritter


Mateus Ritter


Mateus Ritter

With a great experience in visual communication, Áccora understands its audience and knows how much its solutions in executive projects are an essential complement to any type of project developed by companies in this sector.

Agility, assertiveness, and practicality are some of Áccora's characteristics, which now have a consistent market strategy to reinforce this position.

For this project, we developed the entire brand platform thinking about differentiation strategies that would make Áccora the market leader and recognized as the pioneer in the subject. We aligned service, experience, brand voice, and guidelines that contributed to this position being perceived. 

For the visual identity, we opted for a more serious and sophisticated language that conveyed all the credibility the company needed to occupy this place in the market.



The story of a brand that works in a constant pursuit of not only reaping results, but also cultivating good relationships. Where each interaction is an opportunity to establish roots and forge great partnerships.

It is a brand that understands that by investing in the "now," it is building a more prosperous, safer tomorrow. We are talking about a story of vision, strategy, and continuous growth.

Áccora comes from the union of the words Agora and Raccolto (harvest in Italian), representing precisely this harvest of forging great partnerships and building today, as these are the actions that directly affect tomorrow.

Shall we write a new story right now?

Shall we write a new story right now?

Shall we write a new story right now?

Do not ask to wait, let's work right now

Do not ask to wait, let's work right now

Do not ask to wait, let's work right now

Studio specialized in Differentiation for business

Palhoça, Santa Catarina - Brazil

© 2024 All rights reserved.

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Studio specialized in Differentiation for business

Palhoça, Santa Catarina - Brazil

© 2024 All rights reserved.

Developed by:

Studio specialized in Differentiation for business

Palhoça, Santa Catarina - Brazil

© 2024 All rights reserved.

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